ONE Actionable Takeaway from Ketosource
Takeaway: Fat Loss Step-by-Step Progression
In six years of client work, we’ve noticed a recurring pattern when fat loss goals aren’t met. Clients face two consistent challenges:
- Getting off to the wrong start, usually by taking on too much too soon.
- Not knowing how to optimise their use of fat loss methods over time.
At Ketosource, we recommend combining three proven methods for fat loss for the best results. These are MCT oil, the ketogenic diet, and fasting. We understand that choosing one or combining more than one of these methods can seem difficult.
For this reason, we’ve created a roadmap to help you establish a sustainable, long-term fat-loss plan that guides you on what method is best to start with, and how to add or combine methods over time for better fat-loss results.
Adapting Fat Loss Methods According to Your Progress
We’ve observed that people get the best fat loss results when stacking or combining fat loss methods. But this has to be done based on your experience for it to be effective.
Below you’ll see that as you gain experience, we expect you to add methods that would initially require too much effort to maintain.

You can choose where to start on your fat loss journey but what we see works with clients is a stepwise approach. You will be more likely to stick to your fat loss goal if you follow these steps:
- Step 1: The easiest place to start is with C8 MCT oil. Most of us start here when beginning our fat loss journey. This is because it has the lowest requirement of effort and takes the least amount of time to get accustomed to. You can learn more about how C8 MCT oil helps you lose fat here.
- Step 2: Once taking C8 MCT oil becomes second nature you can add the keto diet to your fat loss arsenal. The keto diet is next in level of effort and time it takes to master the basics. While C8 MCT oil can be implemented into any lifestyle the keto diet is a lifestyle change and requires more dedication. You can read more about how to start a keto diet here.
- Step 3: Fasting tends to be the most difficult of the fat loss methods for people. This isn’t always the case. However, if you are unfamiliar, with or want to add fasting to your C8 MCT oil and keto diet regime the best place to start is with a 16-hour time-restricted feeding fast (TRF).
- Step 4: The next addition to try is a variation of the last step. All you have to do is add a couple of hours to your fast. Instead of doing a 16-hour TRF, you will fast for 18 hours. If you are already on a keto diet you might find that this is not so hard to do as you will already have circulating ketones lowering your appetite. If this isn’t the case you can always use your C8 MCT oil to help prolong your fasts. Read more on that here.
- Step 5: Alternate day fasts usually require the most amount of effort. You fast for a full day (24h) and then the next day return to your diet. All fasting methods are useful when in a fat loss plateau. You can learn all about the different styles and how to implement them here.
C8 MCT oil, fasting and the ketogenic diet all have one thing in common. They help you to produce ketones. Ketones are what lower your appetite and let you eat less over time. Using them individually will help you achieve your fat loss goal but mastering and stacking them will give you an advantage.
There is one caveat here though, which is that intermittent fasting types won’t get you into ketosis. But if you’re already on the keto diet and using C8 MCT oil you will be. Instead, TRF will lower your calorie intake even more, furthering your fat loss progress.
Actionable Takeaways
Building a fat-loss lifestyle that gets you results is all about feasibility. It’s important to remember what works for you is what is sustainable and makes sense in the long run. Keep these points in mind:
- Choose the method with the lowest effort to start
- Try out the next feasible method when you’ve mastered the first
- Combine methods once comfortable for better fat loss results
ONE Quote from a Credible Expert
Takeaway: Use Fasting to Bypass Negative Impacts of Holidays Like Xmas
This quote comes from Jason Fung, M.D. Jason is a Canadian nephologist who has a clinic focused on using fasting as a treatment for metabolic disease in his practice in Toronto, Canada. He graduated from the University of Toronto and completed his residency at the University of California, Los Angeles.
“I do [a 24-hour fast] two times a week, three times a week, something like that. But it’s flexible. And that’s one of the advantages of fasting. It’s that you can really use it when you want.
So, for example, during the holidays, I’ll very often not fast for a week. You know, between Christmas and New Year’s, for example.
Because there’s all kinds of things that are going on, and you don’t wanna be a big party pooper all the time. But then I’ll do more afterwards.
So it’s flexible.
I might do a little bit more before a holiday. Like, if I’m going on vacation, I know, okay, I’m going on vacation, I’m gonna wind up eating a lot of stuff I shouldn’t be eating. I know that.
But I’m gonna do a bit fasting before. I’m gonna do a bit more fasting afterwards. And then that allows you to be flexible in terms of your diet.
…It’s not always that you have to do it, sort of, every day or every week. There’s a daily schedule that you follow, there’s a weekly schedule that you follow, and there’s, like, a yearly schedule that you follow… So, it, it’s always flexible.”
Source: STEM Talk Episode 144 (timestamp 1:09:02)
ONE of Your #1 Questions Answered
The Question: How Do I Choose Keto Friendly Snacks? (Part 1)
The top question sent in from you this week was from Sarah Dezi. Thank you Sarah!
“Hi, I have a sweet tooth, what are the best snacks/ fruits to eat between meals that can be found cheaply in a regular supermarket? Thanks.”
The Answer:
Ideally, when eating a keto diet, one should keep to keto staples that are guaranteed to keep you in ketosis. But when there isn’t time, or you’re too tired to cook it’s smart to have snacks so as not to be tempted by non-keto food.
But shopping for snacks that will be keto-friendly for you personally is challenging if you don’t have a clear framework due to:
- Net carbs confusion on the internet (Europe vs. USA, Fibre, Polyols etc.)
- The fact that each person has a personal net carb limit. It’s not one size fits all.
- Hidden net carbs that don’t show up in nutrition information on packaging.
The Three Steps to Choosing Keto-Friendly Snacks
- Step 1: Screen out snacks with hidden net carbs with the ingredients list.
- Step 2: Calculate net carbs from nutritional information table.
- Step 3: Evaluate against a conservative net carb daily limit (or better, your personal net carb daily limit)
Step 1: Screen Out Hidden Net Carbs
Hidden net carbs behave like net carbs but cannot be counted so they are the first thing you should check for. This article will help clarify how to spot them. If they are an ingredient in your snack of choice pick another snack. It won’t be keto-friendly for you.
Step 2: Identify and Calculate Net Carbs in Europe
When checking your packaged food and snacks you can tell the number of net carbs by checking the Nutritional Information section. It is usually located on the back of your packaged item.
The Information provided here applies only to European food labels as USA labels are structured differently. So keep that in mind when going through the steps below.
Here is an Example:
To calculate the net carbs amount use this two step process in Europe:
- Review the Nutrition Label (like the one above) and check for the ‘Polyols’ section. This could also be called ‘Erythritol’ or ‘Xylitol’.
- Subtract the number found in the ‘Polyols’ from the ‘Total Carbohydrates’ section.
Here’s an Example:
Morgan wants to buy a box of health bars. To find out if the bars are keto-friendly for her she uses the following equation:
Total Carbs – (Polyols/ Erythritol/ Xylitol) = Net Carbs
- Total Carbs: 18.5g per bar
- Net Carbs: 18.5 – 15.4 = 3.1g per bar
Step 3: Check Against a Conservative Net Carb Daily Limit
We take the final net carb amount calculated and check if it is below a conservative default net carb limit. You should use 5.0g as the cut off for this to be confident it is a keto-friendly snack for you.
Going by the net carb limit of 5.0g Morgan would only be able to eat one of the above bars per day.
Keeping your net carbs low is crucial to staying in ketosis. Consuming too many net carbs will lower your blood ketones below 0.5 mmol/l compromising your fat loss results. Ketones keep your appetite low and therefore allow you to consume fewer calories throughout the day. This is what helps you to lose fat over time.
One final note on the daily net carb limit of 5.0g: It’s a good place to start because we’ve set it to be conservative to work for most people. But it is not personalised. Depending on the person, the daily limit may be above or below this number.
In Part Two of this answer (in next week’s newsletter) we will cover how to calculate and use your Personal Net Carb Limit so you can have complete confidence that the snacks you buy are keto-friendly for you.
Actionable Takeaways
Choosing Keto-Friendly snacks can be simple if you follow these guidelines:
- Avoid any snacks that have hidden net carbs
- Check your snack or food item for the Nutritional Information label and find the polyol section (sometimes called ‘Erythritol’ or ‘Xylitol’)
- Detract the polyol number from the total net carbs
- Make sure that number is below the conservative daily 5.0g limit. Once you know your personal net carb limit, use that instead.